Butterfly and Bee Garden

Butterflies and Bees play an important role in our ecosystem. These little creatures, are special and there is a lot to learn about them and how they help the environment

Information All About Butterflies

Explore the kaleidoscopic world of butterflies, where vibrant hues, intricate patterns, and fascinating species await your curiosity. From the majestic Monarch’s migratory marvel to the iridescent brilliance of the Blue Morpho, embark on a visual journey that unveils the diverse and enchanting realm of these winged wonders. Discover each fluttering beauty that graces our landscapes and delve into the captivating world of different butterfly types. Click through to witness the extraordinary spectrum of colors and forms that define the extraordinary lives of these delicate creatures.

Delve into the symbolic realm of butterflies, where ancient cultures and modern interpretations intertwine to reveal profound meanings and metaphors. These delicate creatures, with their graceful flight and transformative life cycle, have long captivated human imagination as symbols of rebirth, transformation, and spiritual awakening. Unravel the rich tapestry of butterfly symbolism, where each fluttering wing carries whispers of hope, growth, and the eternal dance of the soul. Click through to butterfly meanings and unlock the hidden wisdom they offer to those who seek insight and inspiration.

Embrace the enchanting allure of butterfly-inspired gifts that flutter with elegance and charm. Whether seeking a token of affection or a symbol of transformation. From delicate jewelry adorned with iridescent wings to vibrant home décor that brings the beauty of the garden indoors, each item is a celebration of nature’s delicate marvels. Dive into a world where every gift whispers of hope, renewal, and the joy of embracing life’s fleeting moments. Click through to discover the perfect fluttering treasure that will captivate hearts and inspire imaginations.

The aim of our website dedicated to butterflies and bees is to provide comprehensive information, resources, and advocacy for the conservation, appreciation, and understanding of these essential pollinators and their intricate roles in ecosystems worldwide.

Bee and Butterfly in the Garden

Butterfly and Bee Garden

A butterfly and Bee Garden feature specific plants and flowers that provide shelter, food, and the right breeding places that butterflies love and seek out, and as such will attract these remarkable insects to your back garden. You don’t need a lot of space, and a butterfly garden is a fun, engaging, rewarding, and educational project for kids of all ages.

Bee and Butterfly Garden

Bees and Butterflies

Bees and Butterflies are amazing little insects, that have an essential part to play in our gardens and throughout nature worldwide. As they move from plant to plant, they collect pollen as they go, which they drop off to the next flower. By transferring pollen between plants and flowers they assist in the fertilization of these flowers

Man with Beehive and Smoker

Home Beekeeping

Keeping hives at home is a great hobby! Not only will you harvest your own honey, but your veggie garden, fruit trees, and even your flowers will reap the rewards of increased pollination by your bees for more sustainable living and beauty in your environment. Participating in home beekeeping, you play an important role in helping protect Worlds bee populations.

Find all the information in one spot, when it comes to creating a Butterfly and Bee Garden

Our aim is to compile all the information in one spot. Whether you just want to learn more about butterflies and bees and how to create a garden for them. Or Maybe you want to get started in backyard Beekeeping


When you come to Butterfly bee garden, expect to find information about the different kinds of butterflies and bees that are found around the world. What sorts of plants and other things are needed to attract these insects and how to get them to stay in your garden.


You will also find different activities that you can do with your children to help to educate them about the importance of these little pollinators in our garden.


If you are wanting to start backyard beekeeping we will compile the information that you should know before getting started. As well as what equipment you will need to get.

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

Our Top Butterfly and Bee Category Picks

Langstroth beehives are the most popular type of hives that beekeepers use. Each hive consists of boxes with hanging vertical frames, an entrance for bees, and a protective cover.

Although most Langstroth beehives are similar in design, there are options when it comes to choosing the ideal hive.

A bee keeping suit is vital for any beekeeper—amateur or professional. The best beekeeping suits keep you safe from bees and allow you to collect honey without any risk of stinging.

Bee suits should have a veil, sting-proof material, various pockets, and elasticated ankles and wrists.

The best beekeeping starter kits contain everything you need for starting your apiculture hobby or business. The necessary items in most starter kits for beekeeper startups are gloves, an apiarist (beekeeper) suit, a hive tool, a smoker, a bee brush, and a beehive.

Choosing the best beekeeper starting kit is more cost-effective than buying individual items.

Caterpillar to butterfly kits give you the chance to observe close-up the fascinating life cycle of butterflies.

Seeing a tiny caterpillar grow into a large fat grub, then turning into a chrysalis, and emerging as a butterfly is a fantastic experience. Butterfly kits can be a wonderful gift for kids.

Why Flowers need Bees to Bloom

Aims of This Site

Most of the information on this site is for learning purposes. Some products we compile the information, and compare so that you can have all the information in one place.


We do review beekeeping products that you will need if you are going to start backyard beekeeping.

This site is all about.


  • Helpful information about bees
  • Helpful information about beekeeping
  • Buying guides and reviews for beekeeping equipment
  • Helpful information about butterflies
  • How to create a bee and butterfly friendly garden

Why make a Garden for Butterflies and Bees

Creating a garden to attract butterflies, bees, and birds can be a lot of fun and creates a beautiful place for everyone to enjoy. Having bright colored butterflies and birds flying around the garden is not only a lovely sight, but also, they are good for the ecosystem.


A garden full of bright-colored flowers and vegetables needs pollinators to transfer the pollen so as to improve the production of seeds and fruit, and that is what butterflies and bees do for you.


Not many people know this, but you should intentionally devise ways to attract bees and butterflies to your garden.


In a nutshell, here are several reasons why you should attract these insects:


  • They help in pollination: Bees and butterflies are among the major pollination agents. As they fly around getting nectar from flowers in your garden, they’ll carry pollen and transfer it to other plants, aiding in pollination.
  • They are a sign of a healthy environment: When you see a garden full of bees and butterflies, it’s an impression of good health.
  • They can make you happy: Bees and butterflies are beautiful; there is no doubt about that. Having them in your garden will help brighten your mood. If you have little kids, they will be fascinated.

Facts about Bees and Butterflies

Bees and butterflies are fascinating insects that we depend on to pollinate our flowers and many crops around the world.

Bees and Butterfly similarities-


  • They have two pairs of wings
  • These insects feed on the nectar in flowers during daylight hours.
  • Both the adults of butterflies and bees are different to their larvae.
  • They also carry pollen from one flower to the next.
  • They are able to see in ultraviolet light.

Bee and Butterfly differences-


  • Butterfly larvae eat leaves from certain plants, so the butterfly has to lay her eggs where there is a food source. Where as Bee Larvae are fed on Royal Jelly for the first three days of life, and then a combination of honey and pollen.
  • Butterflies have four large wings that beat slowly, and bees have four relatively small wings that beat really fast.
  • Bees have a stinger, butterflies do not.

The Benefits of Butterfly Gardening for Kids


Butterfly gardening with your kids is a fantastic way to:


  • Spark and encourage a child’s sense of connection to nature
  • Deliver a colourful, beautiful garden for your home
  • Learn about the seasons
  • Learn about the natural environment
  • Learn about metamorphosis
  • Understand why butterflies (and other pollinators) are important
  • Provide a vibrant array of flowers that produce nectar
  • Attract butterflies and other pollinating insects and birds
  • Feed caterpillars and observe the life cycle of a butterfly
  • Understand how plants and insects help each other
  • Experience the joy of digging in the dirt, watching flowers grow, and enjoying the reward of having butterflies come to visit
  • Create a magical haven at home to kindle your child’s imagination

Fun Activities to do with your Children


Girls with a Butterfly

Frequently Asked Questions About Bees and Butterflies

Butterfly Feeder
How do butterflies and bees help plants
Butterflies and bug

Will a butterfly garden attract bees?

Yes, both butterflies and bees are mostly attracted to the same things. If you have a butterfly garden, you will also attract bees and vice versa. You will also get wildlife such as birds.


Do butterflies and bees get along?

Butterflies and bees get along very well and can easily co-exist in your garden. They tolerate each other, and if one insect finds another on a flower, they will fly away.


What smells are butterflies attracted to?

Butterflies are often attracted to orange and red flowers, which are bright in color, and have a flat top. These include flowers from plants such as cherry, apple, Mexican sunflower, and common yarrow. 


How do butterflies and bees help plants?


The main benefit of butterflies and bees on plants is pollination. As the insects fly around, they transfer pollen grains from the anther to the stigma. This results in fertilization that leads to the development of seeds.


How do I attract bees to my garden for pollination?


There are many ways to attract bees to your garden, but these are the most effective.



What time of day are butterflies most active?


Butterflies are usually active during the afternoon when it’s hot. Since butterflies are ectothermic, the sun warms their bodies making them active.


How do I make a butterfly feeder?


Making a butterfly feeder shouldn’t be a daunting task. Simply follow these easy steps to make one.

  1. Use a medium-size nail to get a small jar and make a hole for the hanging strings.
  2. Place the sponge well and attach the strings.
  3. Decorate the jar with bright colors.
  4. Add anything that bees love to the jar and hang it well. This can be overripe fruits such as bananas, watermelon, and mango.

Are butterflies good for a vegetable garden?


Most butterflies are harmless to vegetables, and play a crucial role in maintaining their health and enhancing pollination.  The only harmful butterfly to cabbages is the cabbage butterfly.


Are butterflies good for gardens?


Yes, butterflies are great for any garden. They help carry around pollen grains leading to fertilization.


How do I make my garden bee-friendly?


The best way to make your garden bee-friendly is by planting flowering plants that attract bees. Some of these plants include Agastache, blackberry, and lavender among others.

Also, ensure you use bee-friendly herbicides and insecticides in your garden and have water around.


Do butterflies come out in the rain?


No! Butterflies do not love to be rained on. They always look for shelter when it starts raining. They can hide underneath leaves, on tall grass, or on any other shelter that shields them. if a butterfly gets wet, it waits until it gets dry.


Where do butterflies go to sleep?


Butterflies always spend their nights on leaves, bushes, or tree bark. They use their tarsi to hang on leaves upside down to prevent being attacked by predators. By the way, butterflies don’t sleep, they rest with their eyes open.


Do butterflies destroy crops?


Adult butterflies are harmless to plants. However, caterpillars can damage plants. 


What does a butterfly garden need?


One of the main things to have in a butterfly garden is a lot of attractive flowers. You can archive this by having brightly flowered plants such as yarrow, coneflower, bee balm, and butterfly bush. You also need some water, shelter, and provide a friendly environment for them.


Do butterflies lay eggs in soil?


Yes, some butterfly species lay eggs on the soil.


What color do bees hate?


Bees hate dark colors. This is because most predators that prey on bees have dark colors. These colors include dark orange, dark grey, and black. Bees also hate red. This is because they perceive red as black.


Are bees attracted to bananas?


Yes, bananas contain a pheromone smell similar to the one bees release when they sting. This means that bananas can attract bees but in a “fight mode.”


Does a butterfly need water?


Water is essential to butterflies for hydration. Typically, they drink more water than nectar. Therefore, you should have water around your butterfly garden.


Can butterflies bite?


Butterflies do not bite; all they have is a curled proboscis that cannot bite. They don’t have teeth or jaws. However, in the early stage of development, as caterpillars, they can bite if they feel threatened.


Do butterflies use butterfly houses?


Yes, butterflies find houses useful to shelter against rain and predators, and it can also be a good feeding spot for them.


How many hearts does a butterfly have?


Butterflies have one elongated heart with many chambers that run through the upper part of their body.


What do butterflies do all day?


Butterflies spend most of their day flying from one flower to another, finding nectar and playing around, enjoying the day’s sun. 


How do butterflies communicate?


Butterflies communicate using chemical cues which they have. A male butterfly usually produces pheromones that seduce and attract female butterflies.


Where is the best place to put a butterfly house?


The best place to put a butterfly house is in a sunny yet protected place, which protects them from being carried away by strong winds


How much space do you need for a butterfly garden?


There is no specific recommended size of a butterfly garden, it all depends on your specific needs and the amount of land you have. You can use a quarter an acre or as big as you want and as many plants as you can grow.


What kind of plants do butterflies lay their eggs on?


There are many plants that butterflies like laying their eggs on. This includes milkweed, apple trees, carrots, and tulip trees.


Do butterflies poop?


Most adult butterflies don’t poop, and this is because they convert all the food they eat for energy.


Do bees prefer a certain color of flower?


The most attractive color for bees includes purple, blue, and violet. They can interpret colorfast but cannot perceive some colors, such as red, which is why they hate it.


What smell makes bees angry?


The smell of bananas is one of the scents that make bees angry, and this is because it is similar to pheromone, a smell that bees release when they are attacked and stung.


Can a butterfly fly in the rain?


No! butterflies do not fly in rain because the raindrops can severely damage their wings. That is why butterflies hide on cloudy days and at night.


Can a butterfly be a pet?


Butterflies can be made pets beginning from their early stage of development as caterpillars. They can also be ready to stay if you take good care of them by providing food and shelter.  However, they have a short lifespan.

Backyard Beekeeping

Backyard Beekeeping is becoming a very popular past time. Being able to keep a beehive in your backyard so as to be able to harvest your own fresh honey. Also, by keeping bees, it will help with the pollination of your flower and vegetable gardens, as well as any fruit trees that you have in your backyard.

Beekeeping Questions

What is beekeeping?


Beekeeping or apiculture is the act of offering essential needs to bees, such as having a beehive and feeding them to harvest their honey or just as a hobby.


What is the purpose of beekeeping?


Beekeeping has many purposes. While some keep bees on their farm to promote pollination, others keep them to harvest honey and wax from the honeycomb.


What is apiculture beekeeping?


Apiculture is the care and maintenance of a bee colony by using a man made beehive and keeping them in large quantities for the production of honey, and wax among others.


What is the advantage of beekeeping?


The main aim for people to keep bees is for pollination and production of honey and wax.

In some cases, bees bring pollen from flowers back to the hive, which can be harvested and used as a protein-rich food supplement. It makes a great hobby and even profession.


What are the three types of bees?


Bees are very organized insects that are classified. We have the queen, worker bees, and drones. Each group has its duty and executes it well.


Is beekeeping agricultural?


Yes, beekeeping is a form of agriculture called apiculture.


What is another name for a beekeeper?


There are various names that you can use to refer to a beekeeper. This includes honey farmers, apiarists, or apiculturists.


What are the disadvantages of beekeeping?


While beekeeping comes along with many advantages, there are many challenges you may face. This includes stings, high cost of supplies, and bee diseases.


Challenges to Beekeeping


Most beekeepers experience challenges that include a decline of the bee colonies, pests and predators, swarming away, and a lack of enough training.


Why is beekeeping essential for mankind?


Bees have a big impact on mankind and nature as a whole, and this is because they are responsible for over 75% of crop pollination, which results in higher food yields and the growth of the agricultural sector.


What are bees’ weaknesses?


The main weaknesses of any bee colony include starvation, diseases, and a sick or unproductive queen. 


Can I put a beehive in my garden?


If you are an apiarist you can keep bees in your garden. This will ensure they are safe, and you can easily monitor them.


What happens when a queen bee dies?


When a queen dies, the bees will quickly find another one and rear it by taking good care of it. They do this by placing it on a special cell and feeding it with royal jelly.


What are three dangers to bees?


The three main threats to bees if climate change, harmful pesticides, and lower genetic diversity.


How do beekeepers not get stung?


A special beekeeping suite protects you against being stung by bees. Beekeepers also use smoke to deactivate the bees and get honey.


What do you do if a bee lands on you?


If a bee lands on you, the best thing to do is to stay calm and not attack the bee. That way, it will not feel threatened and won’t sting you.


What do I need to get started with beekeeping?


The first thing you need to do is undertake a professional beekeeping course. Then, get a budget to purchase the bees, beehives, and other essential beekeeping essentials.


Beekeeping Hobby
get started with beekeeping

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