Butterfly and Bee Garden

Exploring the Buckeye Butterfly: A Fascinating Species with Vibrant Color

What comes to mind when you think of the Buckeye butterfly? Resilience and hope would be your quick answer, right? Well, mine is watchful eyes because I feel like the butterfly is always watching me thanks to its false eye-spots. The common buckeye is a real visual treat, so let’s explore some fascinating facts about this captivating butterfly.


Summary Table About The Buckeye Butterfly



Scientific Name Junonia coenia
Family Name Nymphalidae
Range United States, Mexico and parts of Canada
Habitat Open fields, gardens, roadsides and meadows
Wingspan 1.5- 2.5 inches
Lifespan 6-20 days
Diet Nectar from sunflower, peppermint, tickseed, aster, chickory and gumweed
Host Plants Plantains, snapdragon, toadflax, vervain and Mexican petunia
Caterpillar Description Spines cover the red and orange bodies of the larvae.


Butterfly Description Medium-sized with brown wings, specks of oranges and large eyespots.


The Buckeye butterfly (Junonia coenia) is a distinctive species indigenous to North America.


Buckeye butterflyIt prides itself on its striking appearance, characterized by its bold pattern of burnt orange and gorgeous wings accented with striking eye-spots. These eye-spots, nestled near the tips of its wings, create an illusion of a larger, more threatening creature, serving as a defense mechanism against potential predators.


They belong to the Nymphalidae family, also known as the brush-footed butterflies, the Buckeye is related to Painted Ladies, Monarchs, and Red Admirals. The majority of Nymphalidae butterflies only use four walking legs, with the front two legs adapted into small, brush-like appendages, giving the family its fitting name.

Even though they appear to have four legs, these butterflies have six legs, much like other insects.


Why is it Called Buckeye Butterfly?


The buckeye butterfly derives its name from a unique characteristic of its wings. The butterfly’s eye-spots mimic the shoots of the buckeye (also known as horse chestnut), a type of tree commonly found in North America and Eurasia.

Like the eye-spots on the butterflies’ wings, the buckeye shoots are circular with a single marking in the middle, resembling a large eye.

A flash of these eye-spots gets recognized by a predator as “the big scary eyeball”— “something big enough to attack me!”

It’s funny how the eye-spots send most birds or lizards into flight mode, searching for something that doesn’t stare back.


Exploring The Buckeye Butterfly Habitat


The common buckeye butterflies have many habitats, including open fields, meadows, gardens, roadsides and woodland edges. They are adaptable but thrive best in open and sunny areas.

Buckeyes often fly across fields of wildflowers, so pollinator gardens are ideal places to spot them.

As you can see, native plants and pollinator gardens are critical for sustaining buckeye butterfly habitats. However, due to the significant changes in temperature and precipitation patterns brought on by climate change, specific locations are no longer suitable for butterflies to live.


Fun Fact


Buckeye butterflies are renowned for their unpredictable and erratic flying patterns. They can quickly change direction or abruptly dart upwards, making them a bit challenging to track down or capture with the naked eye.

Looking into The Buckeye Butterfly Life- Cycle


Egg Stage 5- 14 days
Caterpillar Stage 15-28 days
Chrysalis Stage 10- 20 days
Butterfly Stage 7-20 days


One of the most incredible aspects of the common buckeye butterflies’ natural history is their life cycle and the miraculous transformation from caterpillar to winged adult. Let’s explore each of these stages in detail:


Butterfly Egg Stage


Adult Buckeye Butterfly StageThe life- cycle begins when a female buckeye butterfly lays eggs on suitable host plants. The preferred host plants for buckeyes include plantains, snapdragons, toadflax, vervain, and Mexican petunia.


The eggs are tiny, typically spherical, and pale yellow or greenish. After a few days, the eggs hatch, revealing tiny caterpillars.


Larva (Caterpillar Stage)


Once hatched, the buckeye caterpillars begin their feeding frenzy on the leaves of their host plants.

The caterpillars have red and orange bodies covered in spines, which serve as a defense mechanism against predators.

As they grow, the caterpillars molt several times, shedding their old skin and revealing a new one underneath.

This process allows them to accommodate their increasing size. The caterpillar stage typically lasts a couple of weeks, letting the larvae consume substantial vegetation to fuel their growth.


Pupa (Chrysalis)


When the caterpillar reaches its full size, it undergoes a fascinating transformation within a chrysalis. The chrysalis is a protective casing made of silk and is often attached to a stem or leaf.

Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar’s body breaks down into goo, and its cells reorganize to create the adult butterfly.

Whenever I see chrysalis in this stage, I can’t help but think of the West-world androids—body frames covered in silica gel to harden. My thoughts start to stray to these age-old queries about self-hood, what it means to be human.

Perhaps for this reason, we have long sought butterflies for guidance because we suspect they may hold the key.


Adult Butterfly Stage


After the pupal stage, the adult buckeye butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. The newly emerged butterfly is initially fragile, and its wings are crumpled.

However, its wings expand and harden over time, allowing it to fly. The adult buckeye butterfly has a wingspan ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 inches ( 45 to 70 mm).


Note: females are larger and have more rounded fore-wings than males.


The adult butterfly feeds on nectar from various flowers, mate, and continue the cycle by laying eggs on host plants, thus completing the lifecycle. Notably, the common buckeye butterflies lay only one egg at a time on their host plants.


Fact Fun


While butterflies typically experience uneven wings as they wear down through use. A remarkable fact about buckeye butterflies is that they can function normally, even with up to two-thirds of their wings missing.


Role of the Buckeye Butterfly in Pollination and Plant Reproduction


When trying to wrap my head around the drivers and shapers of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning, the role of pollinators like the buckeye butterfly becomes evident. Like other butterflies, Buckeye butterflies play a crucial role in pollination and contribute to plant reproduction.


Here’s how


As adult buckeye butterflies visit flowers searching for nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower’s male reproductive organs (stamens) to another flower’s female reproductive organs (pistil).


This transfer of pollen allows for fertilization and the production of seeds. The buckeye butterfly facilitates cross-pollination by moving from flower to flower, increasing genetic diversity within plant populations.


What is Special about Buckeye Butterfly?


Buckeye Butterfly HabitatWhat sets the common buckeye apart is the delicate arrangement of its markings. The edges of its wings boast a series of graceful, wavy lines that add a touch of elegance to its appearance. Splashes of burnt orange and creamy white intermingle, creating a captivating contrast against the rich brown backdrop.

The unique eye-spots on the wings of the Common Buckeye butterfly are a striking feature that sets it apart from other species. Positioned near the tips of its wings, these eye-spots serve multiple purposes in the butterfly’s survival.

It’s as if nature took a paintbrush and meticulously crafted a masterpiece on each wing.


Threats and Challenges Faced by Buckeye Butterflies


The buckeye butterfly population has drastically declined due to several reasons, all stemming from a lack of environmental awareness and climate changes. Butterfly habitats are being encroached upon or destroyed as suburbs continue to grow.


Today, indiscriminate mowing, herbicides that kill host and nectar plants, insecticides that kill butterflies or their caterpillars, and farming and municipal projects all contribute to the reduction of butterfly populations.


The situation is further complicated by the extinction of native plants and the introduction of aggressive alien species or commercially available insecticide-treated plants. Where does that leave the Buckeye butterflies?


How Can You Contribute to Protecting the Buckeye Butterfly?


Challenges faced by Buckeye ButterfliesIn my opinion, the buckeye butterfly is the proverbial canary in the coal mine, the dwindling numbers warning us of what lies ahead.

Their struggles reflect broader environmental issues and highlight the urgent need for increased environmental awareness and conservation efforts. So how can you contribute to protecting the Buckeye butterfly and supporting its conservation? It’s simple!


Create Butterfly-Friendly Habitats


Dedicate a portion of your garden or outdoor space to creating a butterfly-friendly habitat. Plant native flowering plants that provide nectar for adult butterflies and host plants for caterpillars. Avoid using pesticides or opt for natural and environmentally friendly alternatives.


Cultural/Spiritual Significance and Human Connection of Buckeye Butterfly


The buckeye butterfly is rich in symbolism and spiritual significance, frequently carrying lessons of resilience and optimism.


In some cultures, butterflies are messengers of hope and fresh beginnings. Given their vibrant colors and delicate nature, it’s easy to see why one would associate them with these concepts.




As you explore the natural habitats where Buckeye butterflies reside, remember the importance of preserving these environments and the plants that sustain them. By creating pollinator gardens and supporting conservation efforts, you can contribute to the well-being of these beautiful butterflies and help ensure their continued presence in our ecosystems.


So, the next time you come across a Buckeye butterfly with its mesmerizing colors and watchful eye-spots, take a moment to appreciate its resilience, adaptability, and the remarkable journey it undertakes.


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