Butterfly and Bee Garden

Butterfly Bee Garden

Incredible World of Bees

Busy Bees: Fun Facts about Bees for Kids

Did you know that bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of the world’s crops? Or that a single honeybee can visit up to 1,500 flowers daily? And without bees, some of the fruits, vegetables, berries, and nuts we love would cease to exist. Yes, bees are not just black and yellow buzzing insects—they are vital to our ecosystem. Learn more about these busy bees with our Fun Facts about Bees for Kids.


Bees are fascinating creatures; there’s so much to learn about them. Because of their importance, kids need to learn about these intriguing insects. In fact, there is a whole “hive” of knowledge to learn about our fuzzy, winged friends.


Bee covered with pollen on a flowerTeaching kids about bees is crucial. Bees pollinate our crops, produce honey, and wax, and play a fundamental role in ecosystems. After all, without bees, we would not have delicious honey to drizzle on pancakes in the morning. So, by educating children about bees, they can understand how their actions impact the environment and protect all types of bees.


That is why we’ve compiled a list of Fun Facts about Bees for Kids that they will love. From the different types of bees to making honey, dancing, and solving math puzzles, there’s a bee-wildering number of facts for everyone to learn.


Bee Basic Facts


Bees are flying insects belonging to the scientific order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita. Bees are known for their hairy bodies, compound eyes, and two pairs of wings. Their large compound eyes and remarkable flight abilities makes it easier to navigate between flowers and plant foliage.


The main characteristics of bees:


  • Hairy bodies: A bee’s body comprises three sections—a head, thorax, and abdomen. Their bodies are covered in fine hairs (setae) that collect and distribute pollen as they land on flowers and feed on nectar.
  • Thorax: The middle section of a bee’s body is divided into three parts. Each part has a pair of legs; therefore, a bee has six legs. Their hind legs have special pockets to collect pollen from flowers. Additionally, four wings allow bees to fly effortlessly, even though their wings flap at an un-bee-livable 230 beats per second.
  • Abdomen: The lower section of a bee contains the stinger. However, not all bees sting.
  • Compound eyes: Bees have an incredible five eyes. They have two large compound eyes that give them multi-faceted vision. Additionally, they have three small eyes called ocelli.
  • Antennae: The two arching antennae on a bee’s head allow them to smell, taste, and even hear sounds.
  • Mouthparts: Bees can use their mouth parts to chew (using a pair of mandibles) and suck nectar (using a long proboscis).


Fascinating fact about bees: Only female bees can sting because male bees don’t have a stinger. 


There are over 20,000 species of bees, and they are a diverse group of insects. The most common types of bees are honeybees and bumblebees. Although some species of bees, like honeybees, live in colonies in protective hives, most species of bees are solitary insects.


Here is a list of the different types of bees kids are likely to find buzzing around the garden, parks, or woodlands:

Fun facts about bees for kids

  • Honeybees (Apis): Perhaps the most well-known type of bee. These social insects live in colonies and produce honey and beeswax. Honey bees are important pollinators commonly kept by beekeepers for honey production.
  • Bumblebees (Bombus): These large, robust, social insects live in small colonies. Bumblebees are excellent pollinators, and their distinctive buzzing flight is a familiar sound in gardens and meadows.
  • Solitary bees: Many bee species are described as solitary insects, meaning they don’t live in groups or colonies. Here are some common species of solitary bees that are important pollinators:
    • Mason Bees (Osmia): They construct individual nest cells using mud or other materials.
    • Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa): They get their name for their ability to burrow into wood and excavate tunnels in wooden structures to create nests.
    • Leafcutter bees (Megachile): These solitary bees use circular pieces of leaves to construct their nests. Their nests are often found in holes and crevices in walls or wood.
    • Sweat bees (Halictidae): This diverse family of bees has a metallic appearance and are attracted to the salts in human sweat.
    • Mining bees (Andrenidae): As their name suggests, these solitary bees dig tunnels and construct underground nests.

These are just a few examples of the diverse types of bees worldwide. Each species has its unique characteristics and contributes to the vital task of pollination, ensuring the survival of countless plant species and supporting ecosystems worldwide.


What is a Beehive


Social bees live in colonies and use beeswax to create a structure of honey cells in crevices or protected places. A beehive is a manufactured structure that houses honeybees, typically the western honeybee (Apis mellifera) and eastern honeybee (Apis cerana).


Bee getting Nectar from a flowerThis “hive of activity” is where bees work, produce honey, and care for their young. The beehive consists of various sections, including the honeycomb, brood chamber, and entrance.

The fertile queen bee is the most vital member of the hive. And there is only one queen per hive. The queen bee is responsible for laying eggs, which is critical for the colony’s growth.

On the other hand, worker bees handle various tasks such as collecting nectar and pollen, caring for the young, and maintaining the hive’s cleanliness.


Drones, the male bees, do not have a specific role and exist solely to mate with the queen.

The beehive is a fascinating microcosm of teamwork and cooperation, where bees work tirelessly to ensure the survival of their colony. By understanding the intricacies of the beehive, we can appreciate the important role bees play in our ecosystem and the production of honey, a delicious and healthy food source.

Fascinating fact about bees: Only honeybees die after stinging.

How Do Bees Communicate


Bee collecting pollen on purple flowerBees are amazing insects that communicate with each other in fascinating ways. They use techniques like pheromones and vibration to relay important messages to their colony members. However, the “waggle dance” is one of the most intriguing ways bees communicate.


Kids are fascinated when watching how bees move and groove with their fancy dance routines. Grooving to the beat of pollen and nectar—the waggle dance—worker bees use their slick moves to guide other bees to the sweetest spots in the area.


What is the Waggle Dance Bees Do


The waggle dance is a series of figure-eight movements. These convey information about the direction of food sources and the distance from the hive—determined by the duration of the dance. This unique dance allows bees to locate nectar and pollen even several miles away from their hive.


Bees Communicate by Releasing Pheromones


In addition to the waggle dance, bees use other communication methods. These include releasing specific scents called pheromones and distinctive buzzing sounds. For example, the queen can release pheromones to maintain order in the hive. Or other bees can release warning scents that signal danger to the colony.


Forager bees also create subtle tremors that go through the hive structure.


These vibrations, known as “tremble dances” or “stop signals,” serve as a way to transmit information to other bees. For instance, if a forager bee requires more help, it produces vibrations encouraging other bees to join and collect more nectar.

Overall, bees communicate effectively through a combination of dance, pheromones, and vibrations, allowing them to work together in highly organized colonies. Their communication skills are vital for the survival and success of the hive and its members.

Fascinating fact about bees: The largest bee is the Megachile pluto which grows up to 1.54” (39 mm) long. The tiniest bees—Meliponini worker bees—measure less than 0.08” (2 mm) in length.

Bee Pollination


Kids beside beehive in Protective gearWhen it comes to pollinating flowers, bees are the buzzword. Bees are one of the most prolific pollinators as they forage for food from flowers. They collect the yellow powdery substance on their body hairs and special pouches on their legs called pollen baskets.

When adult bees visit another flower of the same species, they inadvertently transfer pollen. This leads to fertilization and the production of seeds. Bees are especially good at pollination as they visit several flowers during a foraging trip, and their body hairs attract and collect large amounts of pollen.


Here are some facts about bees’ abilities to pollinate:

  • Scientists estimate that bees pollinate 80 percent of flowering plants.
  • In ten hours, a single bumblebee can pollinate 6,000 flowers.
  • A bee colony can pollinate up to 20 million flowers in a day.

Pollination is essential for the reproduction of many plants, including fruits and vegetables. Without bees, many crops would fail to produce fruits and seeds, significantly reducing food supplies and varieties.

Unfortunately, the loss of flowers due to habitat destruction and pesticides has contributed to an alarming decline in bee populations. Therefore, it’s vital to bee-careful around bees because of their crucial role in the food chain.


Bee Products


The most common and well-known bee product is honey. This amazing food is exceedingly sweet, although no sugar is used in making it. It also has several health benefits. However, bees also produce beeswax, royal jelly, and propolis. What makes these bee products so special?

Here are 4 fascinating facts about What Bees Produce. 


1/ Production of Honey


Bees collect nectar from flowers and convert it into honey through a process of regurgitation and evaporation. They then store the sweet, sticky amber liquid in honeycomb cells. Honey is a food source for the bees, providing them energy and nutrients. Beekeepers—also called apiarists—harvest excess honey from beehives.


According to the journal Foods, honey is a “raw foodstuff that can be consumed not only as a sweetener but also as medicine due to its therapeutic impact on human health.


2/ Beeswax


Beeswax is a natural substance produced by worker bees. They secrete tiny flakes of wax from their abdomen, which they use to construct honeycomb cells. This versatile material is used in various industries, including candle making, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and even as a polish or coating for certain products.

3/ Propolis


Propolis, also known as bee glue, is a resinous substance honeybees collect from tree buds. The industrious workers use the brown or red substance to seal and reinforce the hive. They also use it to fill gaps and create a protective barrier against drafts and potential intruders.

Propolis also has antimicrobial properties, making it an ingredient in various health and cosmetic products.

According to the National Institutes of Health, propolis and its extracts have the following health properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic
  • Antifungal
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Packed with vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E

4/ Royal Jelly


Royal Jelly in BeehiveRoyal jelly is a nutritious substance produced by worker bees and fed exclusively to the queen bee and young larvae. It is a creamy white secretion produced by nurse bees and contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Royal jelly plays a crucial role in the development and nutrition of young bees. Some health enthusiasts also consume it for its potential health benefits.

Humans have utilized bee products from honey, beeswax, and propolis for centuries. And it continues to have wide use in industries like food, beauty, and medicine.

Therefore, it’s vital to protect bees because of their vital role in ecosystems. Additionally, educating kids about bees is essential because they are the future guardians of our environment.


Fun Bee Facts


Bee-amazed at the fun and fascinating facts you probably never knew about bees: 

  • Worker bees can fly up to 15 miles per hour.
  • Bees beat their wings a whopping 230 times per second.
  • They can recognize human faces.
  • Bees can associate specific human faces with rewards, demonstrating their tiny brains have amazing cognitive abilities.
  • Bees can fly up to 8 miles in a single day.
  • They fly 55,000 miles to make one pound of honey—the equivalent of flying over twice worldwide.
  • It takes 12 bees their entire lifetime to create a teaspoon of honey. But don’t worry, worker bees only live for six weeks.
  • Manuka honey from New Zealand is the most expensive type of honey.
  • One hive of bees can produce up to 60 pounds of honey in one year. That’s enough to fill about 240 jars.
  • Climate change, pesticides, and pollution are blamed for the decline of nearly 3 million bee colonies in the United States.

Fun Facts about Bees for Kids— In Conclusion


In conclusion, bees are truly incredible insects that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Each species has unique characteristics, from common honeybees and bumblebees to solitary bees.

Through their intricate social structures, great communication methods, and diligent work ethic, bees contribute to the pollination of countless plant species. These facts mean that the sustainability of ecosystems and the production of valuable resources rely on bees.

Of course, the decline of honeybee colonies is a major concern. Therefore, habitat conservation and reducing pesticide use are essential for preserving bee populations.

So next time you see a bee buzzing around a flower patch, remember their incredible work and essential role in our ecosystem. Let’s all do our part in understanding, preserving, and appreciating these amazing creatures.




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