There are 550 to 600 species of swallowtail butterfly, with many of them a common sight in various areas of the world. The Swallowtail butterfly (Papillo) belongs to the Papilionidae subfamily, and it is part of the wider Lepidoptera order that is found in virtually every corner of the world.
This species is named for its tail-like extension which projects from the hind-wings. The Swallowtail butterfly has no tail like many other butterfly species. In this article, we will take a closer look at Swallowtail butterfly identification and comparison to highlight the diversity and beauty of this species.
Physical Characteristics Of Swallowtail Butterflies
Like all insects, a Swallowtail butterfly has a 3-segmented body comprised of a head, thorax, and abdomen. A pair of antennae are positioned on the head for probing and sensory input with a pair of compound eyes.
These butterflies don’t have functional mandibles and their diet is all-liquid. They use their extended proboscis to drink nectar and pollen from fruit and flowers.
The Swallowtail butterfly has three pairs of legs covered with chemoreceptors which are used to detect predators, food, and other swallowtail butterflies for mating. As caterpillars, this species has a short and cylindrical body with multiple segments.
These caterpillars have a flesh-like horn organ (Osmeterium) that emits a foul stench to deter potential predators. These caterpillars can be confused with Monarch butterfly caterpillars because they both have similar green coloration.
The most recognizable Swallowtail butterfly characteristic is its wings. These are large and there are a wide variety of colors, including white, yellow, black, and blue. The wing coloration varies a great deal within the species because the genes that control melanin production can be switched on and off easily. Wing colors can change depending on the immediate environment which means that the color palette is extensive.
These colors are caused by the tiny scales which line the Swallowtail wings. Certain species have more than one color arranged into patterns and shapes. Wing size also varies within the species with an average wingspan of 2” long.
The largest wings belong to the Papillo cresphontes butterfly which can reach up to 6” long! Many Swallowtail butterflies have hind-wings that end with 2,3 or 4 tiny tails that resemble the feathers of a Swallow hence the name.
The Lifecycle Of The Swallowtail Butterfly
Swallowtails have four stages of development. They move from egg to larva, then pupa before becoming an adult. After mating, the female lays small eggs on the underside of leaves. This not only provides protection but creates an immediate food source for the hatched caterpillars.
After hatching, the caterpillars go on a search for food. Once they have consumed sufficient food, they will encase themselves in a chrysalis to undergo the metamorphosis into the adult stage of life. The transformation typically takes a few days, and once the adult emerges, it flies out to feed and find a mate.
When Swallowtail butterflies mate, the process begins when the male releases a chemical that attracts females. When a suitable mate is found the insects join together for a short time to copulate and fertilize the eggs. The female then lays the eggs on the underside of leaves that the caterpillar will want to eat.
After the eggs are laid, the female will play no further part in the raising of their young. A new caterpillar must fend for itself and some males may even seal the female sex organs with a glue substance to prevent mating with other males.
The Importance Of Habitat And Diet For Swallowtail Butterfly Survival
Swallowtail butterflies enjoy a different diet according to their developmental stage. Caterpillars require a diet of leaves and vegetation. They can even ingest mildly toxic plants, becoming toxic themselves and providing protection from predators.
Due to their enjoyment of eating garden food, the swallowtail caterpillar is considered to be an agricultural pest in some areas.
Once they become an adult and no longer have functioning mandibles, they lap nectar from flowers and fruit. They can also feed on animal manure or mud.
Common Threats To Swallowtail Butterflies And How To Protect Them
There are four major threats for Swallowtail butterflies to endure during their lifecycle. They are pollution, exotic species, exploitation, and habitat destruction. Some of these threats are man made and they are caused by increases in human population numbers.
It’s understood that conservation programs will only be successful if policies are adopted to control and plan population expansion. When resources are stripped away from wild habitats, it can have a devastating effect on all wildlife including butterflies.
Interesting Facts About The Swallowtail Butterfly:
Many swallowtail butterfly species are black and white, but even swallowtail butterfly caterpillar varieties have black and white patterns. These are designed to mimic droppings to deter potential predators.
There are types of swallowtail butterflies that can grow to have a wing span of over six inches. This makes it one of the largest butterfly species.
Swallowtail caterpillars spend winter as pupae attached low on plant stems. These are either brown or green, according to the surroundings, and can survive for long periods, even submerged in water.
The female black Swallowtail butterfly can lay up to 400 eggs!
Eastern Tiger butterfly is a common Swallowtail species found in the U.S. and the yellow variant has even been featured on a pair of postage stamps.
Over 550 Swallowtail species can be found around the world and 30 of them can be seen in North America.
A Zebra Swallowtail has a 1” tail appendage on its hindwings.
There are more than 600 different Papillonidae large butterflies found worldwide.
If you visit the Florida Keys you may be lucky enough to see one of the 350 rare and endangered Schaus Swallowtail butterflies.
Five Most Common Swallowtail Butterfly Varieties:
Although there are hundreds of types of swallowtail butterflies, there are some that are far more common.
Black Swallowtail:
The black swallowtail is a common variety in a number of areas of the world. Its larvae is often called “parsley caterpillars”, as this is one of the most common host plants. However, the larvae also host on fennel, dill, and Queen Anne’s lace. The females have an iridescent blue band on their hind wings, while the males have a yellow band.
Tiger Swallowtail:
These are frequently found in flower gardens and wooded areas. While there are varieties of tiger swallowtail around the world, they all look fairly similar. Females are predominantly black with tiger stripes that are only faintly visible in bright sunlight.
Pipevine Swallowtail:
As its name suggests, the pipevine swallowtail host on pipevines. While the males are a bold iridescent blue, the females are a duller black. This species lays bright red eggs on host plants, which grow into an extremely fast-moving swallowtail caterpillar.
Giant Swallowtail:
As its name suggests, the giant swallowtail is one of the largest butterfly varieties with a wingspan up to six inches. Another feature that makes this variety spectacular is its countershading. The topside of the wings is dark, while bright yellow on the bottom. This provides better camouflage, which is shared with their caterpillars and looks like fresh bird droppings.
Spicebush Swallowtail:
This species looks similar to the black swallowtail, but if you get a close look, you should be able to tell the difference. While black swallowtails have a small black dot in an orange circle on their lower wing, spicebush varieties do not. As its name suggests, this species hosts on Spicebush, but it can also be found on tulip trees, camphor sweet bay, and red bay. The caterpillars have large eyespots to deter predators.
Attracting Types Of Swallowtail Butterflies Into Your Garden:
If you would like to get a closer look at the different varieties of swallowtail butterfly, you can attract them into your garden. In addition to providing a water source and rocks to provide shelter, there are a number of nectar plants that will appeal to various swallowtail butterflies.
These include:
- Zinnias: These are easy to care for and brightly colored plants that are a magnet for a variety of swallowtails.
- Bee Balm: This is a perennial that has leaves with a citrus, minty smell that is delightful in any garden. However, this plant tends to thrive in cooler regions.
- Parsley: If you want to attract swallowtails and create a practical area of your garden, consider a herb patch with plenty of parsley. Just be aware that this is a popular food source for swallowtail caterpillars, so you may not get much to use in your kitchen.
- Butterfly Weed: This milkweed variant is often a host plant for monarch butterflies, but it is also popular with swallowtails.
- Buddleia: This plant is commonly known as butterfly bushes for good reason, as it attracts a lot of different types of butterflies, not just swallowtails.
- Sunflowers: Sunflowers are a great plant to attract swallowtails. In fact, the female has the ideal markings for this flower.
Conclusion: Appreciating The Wonders Of The Swallowtail Butterfly
We hope that this article will help you with a Swallowtail butterfly identification and comparison. There are many varieties within this species with different coloration, wing sizes, and other characteristics. With up to 30 species to spot in the U.S there are plenty of opportunities to spend some quality time observing these fascinating creatures.
If you have some space in your yard or garden, let the plants grow a little wilder and you may be able to attract the Swallowtail and other species of butterflies into your garden.