Butterfly and Bee Garden


Ensuring the Well-being of Your Bees: A Guide to Feeding Bees in Winter

When most people think about bees feeding, they imagine a sunny day with these busy insects flitting from flower to flower to find nectar. Although they have developed strategies to survive when food is scarce, there are good reasons to consider feeding bees in winter. In the hive, they will eat stored honey, cluster together, […]

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Leafcutter Bee Builds Their Nest

Fascinating World of Leafcutter Bee: A Masterclass in Nature’s Architects

A leafcutter bee is a fascinating example of a hard-working insect species that can cut perfect round holes out of leaves. These are also known as cutter bees and they cut segments of rose, lilac, and other shrub bushes to create nests. The holes are neat circles that on closer inspection are more crescent-shaped in

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